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Fundraiser Calendar. Editable in Canva. Calendar only for current month. Updated Monthly



Change background color, name, level/team name, and instructions. Days are not editable. July calendar only.


  • Post calendar on your social media, email, or even text it out for your athlete.
  • Pick a day and donate that amount ex. 21st=$21 
  • To take it up a notch, tell them to pick a day and message them with more details. Add an incentive such as entering them into a raffle for them to win a special prize (gift card, product from another business, etc) if they give an additional amount on top of the day they picked ($5, $10).



All proceeds will go to our Level 5 Competitive Gymnast!

Dancer Fundraiser Calendar

  • Calender designs were designed by DSL Graphic Designs and should be used for personal use only. Should not be resold or forwarded to others. 

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